Home Health Wow! I put this mixture at 7:30pm and at 8:30pm, all flies,...

Wow! I put this mixture at 7:30pm and at 8:30pm, all flies, mosquitos, and cockroaches in my house disappear completely

It is certain that flies and mosquitoes are very annoying for almost everyone. And, although there are a lot of insect repellents and store-bought insecticides, most of them provide short-term effect and the insects reappear soon. Moreover, these products are filled with all kinds of chemicals that can have a negative effect on the overall health.

So, what can you do to remove these annoying insects but not get exposed to chemicals?

The best solution is to try out this potent homemade repellent that can successfully remove flies, mosquitoes, and other insects from your home.

Mosquitoes are part of the family of flies and their body structure is very similar to that of flies. Mosquitoes and flies both feed on organic remains and aquatic organisms and there are even certain species of mosquitoes that feed on other type of mosquitoes. They’re most active from dusk onwards, especially in darker areas since they can d.i.e from the sunshine.

How to prepare the repellent

You just need:

– Half a cup of natural vegetable oil

– Half a cup of shampoo

– Half a cup of vinegar with 9% concentration


– Mix the ingredients well
– Transfer the mixture into a spray bottle and spray different areas of your home where the insects are most present, that is, the garden, the balcony, the bathroom, etc.