Why you should stay away from unhappy men: The ugly truth, no mask and no makeup

As a life partner, a man, as a rule, is chosen for his best qualities – courage, reliability, courage, the ability to calm down. But it doesn’t always work out that way. Women are compassionate and merciful by nature, and therefore sometimes agree to build a family with someone completely unworthy, simply out of pity.But you cannot build happiness with such a man.
Most likely, your life will be boring, difficult and hopeless. Here’s reasons:
1. The man who makes you feel sorry for him
He didn’t conquer you with strength and reliability, as he should. He just made you feel sorry for him – a nice, sweet loser who lacks any other qualities to win your heart. But after all what can be expected of him in the future? Here’s what.
2. You will take on both roles in the family
A man who causes a feeling of regret will does not achieve heights in his career. Even if he is educated enough, he will not have the courage to take a leadership position or build his own business. And you will have to take over the male functions and find a way to provide financially for her family. Thus, living with a pitiful man, you will hardly understand what female happiness is.
3. All the worries will fall on your shoulders
He is most likely an outright weakling, even if he is athletically developed. He is a cowardly and timid type who does not have the courage to protect his woman if she is in real danger. Obviously, with such a man, the woman will have to defend herself, make important decisions herself and be responsible for them.
4. You risk living with a despot and a tyrant
Perhaps in childhood he received less attention and love, grew up in an incomplete family and was bullied by his peers. In fact, this is a person who suffered psychological trauma in his childhood and is angry with the whole world.
It would be much easier if the man openly expressed his aggression. Then at least the woman will know what to expect and if it’s even worth bothering with. But pitiful men are cunning. In public, he is modest and good-natured, but at home, with his family, he can become a real despot and tyrant!

5. You will become his servant
When He having once caught his “victim” on the bait of pity and transferring his problems to his life partner, he completely forgets that supporting the family is a purely male duty. Such a partner is not inclined to help his wife in the house, hypocritically calling household chores an exclusively female prerogative. What’s more, he wants his wife to serve him and fulfill his every whim!
6. You are turning him into an alcoholic
The idleness from which useless men generally suffer gradually inclines them to drunkenness. Over time, alcohol addiction becomes the norm and in a drunken stupor, the man increasingly breaks down in front of his relatives. And the whole family has to put up with it.
The woman who accepted the man with his flaws and did not stimulate him to develop, but on the contrary – created wonderful conditions for his degradation, is also to blame for this.
7. You fall victim to a user
The most surprising thing is that pitiful men feel very good next to ladies who are willing to put up with them. And when this dries up, they leave it without regret, going in search of a new “victim”.
8. Life with an unloved man
Finally, if you chose your life partner out of regret, at least admit to yourself that you never loved him! Over time, when the “romantic veil” dissipates, you will have to live with an unloved man and raise your children with him. In love, you would forgive him everything, but in the absence of this feeling, hatred will settle in your soul, which will finally destroy an already unhealthy relationship.
9. You will hate yourself
The most unpleasant thing is that, in addition to your miserable and worthless husband, you will also hate yourself. For your weak will, for your fear of being alone and your dependence on public opinion.
The unpleasant but important truth about love that we learn from bitter experience
A weak man cannot be saved by stripping him of the remnants of responsibility. It cannot be saved if you treat it like a small child. It’s time to abandon those naive hopes.