Home Health Early Symptoms Of Lung C.a.n.c.e.r That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Early Symptoms Of Lung C.a.n.c.e.r That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Early symptoms of lung disease that should not be ignored

Lung disease is among the most common types of disease in both men and women. According to the American C.a.n.c.e.r Society, lung disease is one of the leading causes of disease death in the US.

According to the report, 20% of lung disease deaths are people who do not smoke. The American C.a.n.c.e.r Society explains that air pollution, secondhand smoke, radon gas, and c.a.n.c.e.r-causing agents such as asbestos and diesel fuel are all major risk factors for lung disease.

Being aware of the risk factors and paying attention to the warning signs and symptoms is, again, the best means of defense against lung disease. The sooner you get to your doctor and the sooner disease is diagnosed, the better your chances of recovery can save your life.


A low red blood cell count, or anemia, is a very common effect of lung disease. Anemia can make you really tired because your body tissues are not getting enough oxygen. And in general, c.a.n.c.e.r cells like to eat the nutrients you need to eat for a day. So when you have the disease, you may feel like you are dragging.

2. Weight change

Some people with small cell lung disease get Cushing’s syndrome. The disease can tell your body to make a hormone called ACTH, which increases the level of cortisol. This leads to fluid retention and weight gain. (You can hurt yourself very easily and feel sleepy, too).

On the other hand, hypercalcemia and SIADH, a hormonal problem that affects your kidneys, tend to make you lose your appetite, so you can start losing pounds without trying.

3. Pain in your finger.

You may be surprised to learn that thickened, painful fingertips are a typical symptom of lung disease. This is because lung tumors release chemicals into the bloodstream that stimulate the growth of bone and tissue in the fingertips and under the fingernails. Dr. Kelley says to tell your doctor about any thickening, swelling, or bumping of the fingers.

4. Trunk pain.

If you feel persistent pain in your chest, shoulder, back, or abdomen, you may be experiencing direct pressure from a lung tumor. According to Dr. Kelley, chest pain is a symptom in one in four lung disease patients.

5. Hoarse voice.

If your voice sounds a little hoarse or you feel pain when swallowing or speaking, you may have lung disease. NHS Choices says that this common symptom is a reason to call your doctor, especially when it is accompanied by persistent coughing, wheezing, or coughing up blood.

6. Shortness of breath.

This is a common symptom in women that is often misdiagnosed as a side effect of age or inactivity. But according to Very Well, shortness of breath is a sign of adenocarcinoma, the most common form of lung disease in women.

7. Weakness in the upper limbs.

Very Well explains weakness in the upper limbs, loss of coordination, and muscle cramps are all symptoms of paraneoplastic syndrome, a condition related to lung disease in which hormone-like substances are secreted by tumors.

8. Swollen breasts in men

It is rare for lung disease to be the cause of gynecomastia, but it is possible. Large cell lung disease can disrupt hormonal balance and cause tenderness and swelling in male breast tissue.

This is a matter of life and death. Share this article on social media and help spread the word about the signs and symptoms of lung disease.

Source: the-wau.com,