Home Funny 7 Bad Texting Habits That You Should Avoid With Your Partner

7 Bad Texting Habits That You Should Avoid With Your Partner

Bad texting habits are considered as the major problem in a relationship. Texting too often or less, both can affect your relationship. Experts say that couples should be careful while texting and should avoid some common texting habits because bad texting habits can lead to misunderstandings between you two. So, to help you out, we have listed 7 bad texting habits you should avoid with your partner.

1. Don’t send a message that you wouldn’t want the rest of the world to read.
Think about this for a second: would you ever Tweet what you’re about to send to your partner? If you wouldn’t Tweet it, it means that you’re not sure if the world is going to receive what you’re saying well. And it should be the same when you’re just texting ta partner who you’re getting to know for the first time.

Think about this for a second: would you ever Tweet what you’re about to send to your partner? If you wouldn’t Tweet it, it means that you’re not sure if the world is going to receive what you’re saying well. And it should be the same when you’re just texting ta partner who you’re getting to know for the first time.

2. Don’t ask too many intrusive questions.
Don’t be intrusive with the questions. Don’t be so personal. Texting is more for causal communication throughout the day. You get to really know one another through real-life conversations that you have with each other.

3. Don’t overdo it with the abbreviations.
You might think that you’re saving a lot of time with the abbreviations that you make while you’re texting. But be honest with yourself. How much time are you actually saving? Just type properly like a real and mature adult who knows how to spell and form proper sentences.

4. Don’t overdo it with the emojis.
You never want to be overdoing it with the amount of emojis that you are putting into your text messages. Yes, you want to be adding some life and animation to your text and that’s fine. But ultimately, it’s your words that are going to do the trick the best.

5. Don’t have arguments over text.
Don’t have arguments over text messages. One of the biggest disadvantages of communicating over text is the fact that you don’t really get a chance to hear each other’s tone of voice. And a lot of the time, that can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and misconstrued statements. That can be very problematic when you’re trying to come together on a disagreement.

6. Avoid texting while you’re angry.
Anger is such a complex emotion. And a lot of the time, it can really get the best of a person. You never want to allow your anger to be getting the best of you most especially when you’re conversing with the person you love. Your anger might induce you to say something that you shouldn’t really be saying. And you’re going to end up regretting that text message you sent while you were upset.

7. Don’t be revealing your texts to other people.
You shouldn’t be so willing to just reveal all of your text messages with your partner to other people. You might think that it’s okay for you to ask your friends about how you should be replying to your partner. But you should definitely resist the urge to do so. Remember that your text messages are intimate. And you don’t want to be betraying your partner’s trust by revealing their texts to others.