Home News Young man spots “tennis balls” out on walk – looks closer and...

Young man spots “tennis balls” out on walk – looks closer and sees them moving

If you go trekking on a regular basis, you’re likely to come across some very unexpected things.

I know I do. For the past few years, I’ve made a point of walking the trails around my house at least twice or three times every week. Let me tell you about some weird sights, sounds, and smells I’ve encountered along the way.

In Peterborough, UK, a man encountered a thought-provoking scene while roaming.

After crossing a tree line and emerging on the ridge of a depression, the man in question noticed what appeared to be hundreds of tennis balls collected together on the forest floor.

To say they stood out among the scenery is an understatement, and our shocked hiker decided to approach for a closer look.

When he did, he noticed they weren’t tennis balls at all, but rather living animals!

Somewhat incredibly, it turned out he had stumbled upon a large number of chicks – and the birds couldn’t have been hatched much longer than a day.

Sadly, the general consensus online is that an individual – or individuals – had left the chicks there to die, not for one moment thinking someone would come across them while they were still alive.

Needless to say, authorities were quickly dispatched to the scene of the odd discovery, and the birds were loaded into crates to be rescued.