Starting your day with a glass of water can be beneficial for your overall health. Just a glass of water every morning can keep many issues at bay. Here are some benefits you can avail just by drinking water every morning.

1. Refreshes And Hydrates The Body
After not drinking water for 8 hours, our entire body is on the verge toward dehydration. By drinking warm water first thing after waking up, you replenish this hydration and nourish each little cell in the body.
2. Awakens The Mind
By hydrating the body first thing, you automatically are hydrating the brain as well. This increases blood flow to the brain, bringing clarity and rejuvenation to the mind.
3. Flushes Out Stagnant Toxins
Drinking warm water first thing in the morning will spark the energy of all the vital organs, including the liver and the kidneys, our keys to detoxification. By activating these organs right after awakening, you help to flush the system from any toxins that have become stagnant throughout the night.
4. Increases The Digestive Fire
This simple practice is also a great way to increase the Agni, or digestive fire, in the body. This in turn increase digestion, assimilation and elimination of the past days food substances and overall increase the metabolism.
5. Increases Overall Energy
So many individuals have a hard time getting going in the morning, but a large part of it may be due to cellular dehydration. Although a cup of coffee will give a caffeinated boost to your morning, it will also send your body into further dehydration, leading to greater fatigue by the afternoon.
While dehydration causes fatigue and depletion, beginning your day with hydration creates just the opposite, energy and nourishment.
6. Beautifies The Complexion
The health of the skin is directly related to the liver health and the amount of toxins in the body. By flushing out the system first thing each morning and activating the liver energy, you will begin to notice the health of your complexion improving as well.
The vital hydration in the early morning will also bring a softness to the skin and a glow to the complexion.
7. Decreases Hunger
Hunger is often caused by the hidden feeling of being thirsty. By drinking some warm water in the morning you not only avoid this false hunger, you will also fill up the stomach part way, allowing less room for food. This of course means it will take less food intake to feel that desired fullness.
For an added bonus to your health, add some fresh lemon juice to the warm water. This will enhance all the mentioned benefits while adding a few more, such as boosting the immune system, balancing your pH levels and flushing out your urinary tract system.