Home Life When a man no longer loves you, you will feel these things...

When a man no longer loves you, you will feel these things more deeply than ever

When a man no longer loves you, you will feel these things more deeply than ever

1. He Doesn’t Prioritize Time with You

He used to make time to see you. Even if you weren’t the center of his world, you were definitely one of his favorite humans.

Now, he doesn’t prioritize time with you. It’s an afterthought, or he might even be actively avoiding you.

He’s less concerned with seeing you, but you’ve noticed he still has free time to do anything else he wants to do.

2. The Things He Loved About You Seem to Annoy Him Now

He used to think you were adorable. Now, everything you do seems to annoy him. Those cute little quirks he used to tease you about seem to get under his skin easily.

You start to feel like you’re not good enough.

Where he used to joke with you, he criticizes you instead.

3. He Never Mentions the Future

You thought you were planning for a future together, but he never talks about it now. In fact, you seem to be curiously absent from all his future plans.

If he’s making plans at all, he’s not building them with you but choosing for himself alone.

When you refer to future holidays or events, he’s non-committal. It starts to feel like he’s planning not to be there when those dates roll around.

4. His Behavior Feels Inconsistent

The hot and cold, up and down tendency is exhausting and is actively undermining the security of the relationship.

He’s either his old self, affectionate and flirty, or he’s this new stranger who is cold, aloof, and disinterested in spending time with you.

You’re never quite sure which version is going to show up.

5. He’s Less Interested in $ex or $exting

He used to send you $exy little messages or initiate $ex whenever possible. Now, it seems like he deflects when you bring it up.

Even when he does engage, it’s not at the previous level of intimacy.

When you ask him what’s going on, he always has a reason, but you wonder if it’s the real one when your $ex life never recovers from whatever stressful event he blames.

6. He Treats You Like an Obligation Rather Than a Bonus

You know that you’re an awesome partner, someone anyone would be lucky to love, and yet he treats you more like an obligation he has to fit into his busy day than a life partner he loves.

In fact, you notice there’s less appreciation and more resentment, and every day, it seems to grow.

He doesn’t even seem happy to be with you anymore, even if he denies it.