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The ONLY Relationship Rules All Couples Must Follow To Not Hurt Each Other!

The ONLY Relationship Rules All Couples Must Follow To Not Hurt Each Other!

1. Understand your partner’s needs, and particularly how different they are from yours!

You two may have a lot in common, and yet need entirely different things at any given point. Instead of letting your different needs breed a fight, embrace your differences and find a way of working around them.

2. Complain to each other, not to other people

When you complain to others, you might also give them a more negative view of your partner, just because they don’t have the entire context. If you are in doubt or worried, you can always talk to other people. However, it’s important to go to your partner first in most cases. That way, you keep your relationship more functional and work things through directly.

3. Your partner is not your punching bag – do not treat him like one!

Of course he’s the one you’d go to and vent your life troubles to, but do not let that become a daily thing. Remember that a foul mood does not give you the licence to act without thought just because he’s supposed to understand.

4. Avoid crossing the line

If you feel angry, you might be tempted to say hurtful things. An agreement to never cross the lines can allow you to manage conflicts in an effective way and protect your partner’s feelings. This is important, because there are things that can be hard to forget once they have been said and that might linger even if the immediate issue has been resolved.

5. Be fair in all your fights, arguments and even accusations…

Do not argue for the sake of winning an argument. Do not unnecessarily dig into the past to turn tables on him when you know it’s your fault. Accept your mistake, if there is any, and then correct it.

6. Don’t go to sleep angry

By promising each other to always solve issues before going to bed, you and your partner commit to being proactive and communicating to get it all done before bed. It also encourages you to be more forgiving.

7. Remember that you just can’t agree on everything

You are two different individuals who think, believe and function differently. You can NOT agree on everything unless of course you’re only seeking to please each other. So it does not make sense to feel hurt if your partner disagrees with you. Understand it for what it truly is – an individual opinion.

8. Don’t weaponize your knowledge about each other!

There is a reason your partner can be vulnerable around you and feel safe doing so. He trusts you to never exploit his weaknesses or use them to your advantage. So, don’t ever use something against him just because you can. These are secrets to be taken to the grave.

9. Be there when your partner needs you – even if it’s not convenient for you!

Even if you two are fighting, do not leave your partner alone when he’s going through a particularly difficult time. Be his strength, and show solidarity and support to him, without letting it sound like a favour even for a second.