Home Health Put the cloves on the neck. The effect is phenomenal

Put the cloves on the neck. The effect is phenomenal

For illustrative purpose only

Clove-Infused Neck Wrap


  • 5-10 whole cloves
  • 1 small muslin or cotton pouch (or a clean sock)
  • A few drops of lavender essential oil (optional)
  • A small towel or scarf


1. Prepare the Cloves:

  • Place the whole cloves inside the muslin or cotton pouch. If you don’t have a pouch, a clean sock works just as well. Tie the top securely.

2. Add Aromatherapy (Optional):

  •     If you’d like, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the pouch for an added calming effect.

3. Heat the Pouch:

  • Warm the pouch by placing it in a microwave for about 20-30 seconds. Be cautious not to overheat it—test the temperature to ensure it’s comfortably warm.

4. Apply to the Neck:

  • Wrap the heated clove pouch in a small towel or scarf. Gently place it around your neck, allowing the warmth and clove aroma to soothe your senses.

5. Relax:

  • Sit back, relax, and let the warm, clove-infused wrap work its magic. The combination of heat and the natural properties of cloves can help relieve tension and provide a soothing effect.
For illustrative purpose only

The Effect:

  • The warming sensation combined with the aromatic cloves can help relax muscles, ease tension, and provide a calming, almost therapeutic experience.

Note: While this is a comforting home remedy, it is important to remember that it’s not a substitute for medical treatment if you have a neck injury or chronic pain.