Home Health Never Use Turmeric If You Are On Any of These Medications

Never Use Turmeric If You Are On Any of These Medications

Never Use Turmeric If You Are On Any of These Medications

Nowadays, turmeric is promoted as the most impressive cure in the treatment of a wide range of illnesses and diseases. It creates no side-outcomes, so it is regularly prescribed as a characteristic option in contrast to different medications.

However, you ought to likewise have as a main priority, that paying little heed to its bunch of health benefits and colossal ability to further develop health, it ought not be taken in high portions, or in a blend with different medications.

When referring to turmeric, people usually think of the ground-up root of this plant, which has been used as a culinary spice, as a medicine, and in ceremonies in India for more than four millennia.
Numerous studies have proven the health benefits of turmeric, even though not all of them are scientifically backed- up.

The majority of its properties are due to its active ingredient, curcumin, which has been found to have powerful anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-thrombotic properties.

Thanks to its beneficial action, numerous people use turmeric in combination with other medication, or as an alternative to their prescribed drugs. This is mostly due to their wish to avoid the negative effects and complications of the excessive use of pharmaceuticals.

Yet, turmeric can be dangerous if taken in combination with some specific drugs, and may cause harmful and severe side-effects.
Sometimes, its most advantageous properties may become dangerous if combined with drugs. Thus, its anti-thrombotic property which reduces blood clots may endanger the health if combined with blood-thinning medicines, like aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin, or clopidogrel (Plavix). Namely, their combination actually boosts the effect of the blood-thinning drugs and thus raises the risk of bleeding.

Turmeric also interacts with diabetes medications, which reduce the blood sugar. Namely, it boosts their effect, and thus elevates the risk of low blood sugar. As a result, you may experience numerous side –effects, like blurred vision, delirium, impaired cognitive function, anxiety, and shakiness.

The consumption of turmeric may also results in allergic reactions, such as outbreaks like rashes or hives, and may even cause shortness of breath and anaphylaxis.

Additionally, turmeric should not be combined with drugs that reduce stomach acid, as the body will actually increase its production of stomach acid, and thus, lead to nausea, stomach pain, bloating, and esophagus damage.

These drugs which lower the stomach acid include Omeprazole, Famotidine (Pepcid), Cimetidine (Tagamet), and Ranitidine (Zantac).
Therefore, if you take turmeric at the same time as some drug or medicine, or in case you experience some allergic reaction, you should replace it with some other natural alternative, or reduce the amount of turmeric you consume.

References: za.opera.news, lovethispic.com,