Home relationship Ladies, Never Do These Things In Front Of Men

Ladies, Never Do These Things In Front Of Men

Ladies, Never Do These Things In Front Of Men
1. Self-Deprecate

Ladies, when we consistently say terrible and negative things about ourselves, sooner or later, it brings these notions into fruition and our man will inevitably begin to believe them…and even worse, so might you. A confident woman is far more attractive than one who doesn’t respect herself—so keep your commentary about yourself positive and optimistic.

2. Doubt Yourself

It’s totally okay to be unsure of things, but it becomes less okay when we drastically change our minds (or conversely can’t make up our minds) on life’s more pressing issues. Don’t make rash decisions and take the time you need to sort through the decision, but make sure you are thorough and thoughtful in your logic so you aren’t tempted to change your mind. And don’t be afraid to stand behind your decision, even when the odds are stacked up against you. A decisive, self-assured woman is always appreciated by men.

3. Lose Your Temper

Losing your temper happens spontaneously, prematurely and often before understanding all aspects of the issue. Next time you find yourself on the brink of losing it, refrain from taking action on it and give yourself a few moments to collect your thoughts (or even sleep on it) before making any rash conclusions.

4. Get Overly Jealous

It’s okay to get a little jealous of your man from time to time but we need to be careful and not let our jealousy over asinine things spiral out of control, as over time, it can be a cancer in a relationship. The more you express your jealousy, the more your husband is going to take measures to avoid unwarranted confrontation from you and that’s not the kind of marriage you want to be in. Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy marriage and if we trust our husbands we are showing them our love and support in the best possible way.

5. Criticize His Manhood

So your man may not be the handiest around the house or perhaps he’s not quite athletically inclined. That doesn’t mean you need to remind him of these facts. In fact, seemingly harmless jokes or comments of that nature can severely emasculate a man. Our words carry so much power and kind ones can have a wonderfully lasting effect on a marriage.

6. Draw Comparisons

It is unhealthy and unproductive to draw comparisons to other people and other relationships. This can lead to unrealistic expectations. When we point out our differences, in particular in regards to our husbands, it can ruin their confidence and confuse them.