Home Health If you want to have a flat stomach, stay away from these...

If you want to have a flat stomach, stay away from these 5 foods which you probably consume daily

If you want to have a flat stomach, stay away from these 5 foods which you probably consume daily

A lot of people are complaining that staying home came with gaining a lot of weight. It is not easy to get rid of especially in winter because doing more eating is said to make us warmer.

Watching what you eat is extremely important as your flat stomach depends on it.

Speaking to The Sun, Lisa Borg, who was a nutritionist at Pulselight Clinic, said the majority of excess fat accumulation around the mid-section is because unwise dietary choices and hormonal imbalances.

“Especially cortisol, grehlin, leptin, and insulin which are linked to stress, poor sleep, and a high intake of sugars,” she explained.

1. Give up the grains

Grains are a carbohydrate that many people find difficult to digest and can cause bloating.

2. Ditch the dairy

Most dairy products contain lactose which the body finds difficult to digest. If you want to beat the bloat you should avoid products such as ice cream, cheese and milk.

3. Curb the caffeine

While many of us are used to knocking back a couple of teas or coffees just to get through the morning slog, the caffeine you are consuming might be bloating you out.

4. Forget fried foods

Most fried foods are junk food.

5. Stay away from booze

Alcohol causes the body to retain water and in many cases the gas already in popular beverages such as beer and cider can lead to bloating.