Home Health If You Do These 9 Things On an Empty Stomach, You Are...

If You Do These 9 Things On an Empty Stomach, You Are Destroying Your Own Stomach

If your stomach is empty and you haven’t eaten anything, then never do these 9 things which could create some harmful issues for your health.

Eating too much may not be a good idea for anyone, but an empty stomach is just as dangerous a situation. The activity we do both before and after a meal can impact our health in a huge way which is why we should always maintain a balance. While there are things never to do on a full stomach, an empty stomach is way more dangerous for certain thing. Here are 9 things you should never do when you are on an empty stomach. The implications can be anything from nausea, to erosion of your stomach lining and bloating or flatulence.

1. Taking NSAIDS

NSAIDS are anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin and should never be taken on an empty stomach. This reduces the effectiveness of the medicine and can also erode the lining of the stomach. It can also put you at risk of gastric bleeding. Paracetamol though not an NSAID should never be taken on empty stomach.

There are certain pain killers and antibiotics that should not be taken on an empty stomach. Moreover medication like prednisone and diabetes medicine metformin should also be taken with food. In the case of narcotic type pain relievers and NSAIDs, you could take them with milk which will reduce the side effects of the drug. For those who are lactose intolerant, drink plenty of water.

2. Drink coffee

Even decaffeinated coffee stimulates the production of acid that might cause heartburn and other digestive tract issues if drunk on an empty stomach. Skipping breakfast even after coffee may lead to a serotonin deficiency and a gloomy mood for the rest of the day.

Advice: If you’re unable to give up the habit of drinking coffee first thing in the morning, consume it with milk or cream: milk fat will reduce the negative effects. Choose natural coffee over freeze-dried.

3. Alcohol

When drunk on an empty stomach, the absorption rate of alcohol increases and is the same strength as its intravenous injection. This also slows down the rate of removal of the alcohol products in the body which leads to a bad hangover. When alcohol is allowed to rapidly get absorbed into your system, it put you at higher risk of liver, heart and kidney disease.

If you are in a situation where you just cat refuse the drink because of social issues, then the best thing to do is to opt for cooled non carbonated drinks which get absorbed at a slower rate. Try to eat tidbits, snacks or a small sandwich which contains butter in it as fat slows down the absorption of alcohol.

4. Chewing gum

Chewing gum produces digestive acid which can result in harm to the delicate lining of your stomach. If you have too much of gum, then it can lead to gastritis. Plus, it has been studied that chewing gum can make you more inclined towards junk food rather than fruits and vegetables. However, if you are chewing gum, try to go for the ones which have natural sweeteners like sorbitol or xylitol and not those with cyclamate, aspartame, or sugar. And don’t continue to chew the gum for more than ten minutes, even if you have a full stomach.

5. Sleep

Going to sleep at night on an empty stomach is the worst thing you can do for your health. Hunger and low blood glucose levels will prevent you from having a good sleep and cause insomnia. It may also cause poor sleep and early awakening. Lack of sleep again will lead to an increase in the hunger hormones which is why some people tend to eat extra the next day if they skip dinner. Gorging before sleeping is also a bad idea. You could opt for a dairy product like milk before going to bed as this contains magnesium and calcium both of which helps us to sleep.

6. Exercising

Generally, it is thought that exercising or training when you have an empty stomach can result in a lot of calorie burn. However, studies show that fat loss doesn’t occur in that manner. Rather, there is a lot of muscle loss and due to lack of energy your intensity will fall as well. Rather than going for an intensive exercise routine, one could go for aerobic exercises. You can also take a snack before going for training if you are already suffering from certain digestive issues. Exercises can result in more gastric juices being produced which can result in issues with the digestive system, so be careful.

7. Skipping dinner

If you have ever skipped dinner, then you must have seen that you were terribly hungry the next day. Low glucose level and hunger can cause a lack of proper sleep during the night and cause a kind of superficial sleep. You will wake up early and your hunger hormones will act with increased power. But then, you should not be eating too much before sleeping. It’s best to go for dairy products which have calcium and magnesium – both capable of letting you have a good sleep.

8. Having more citrus-based juice

Citrus foods have tough fibre and an acidic base which will cause irritation in your stomach. It can cause gastritis or make you vulnerable to it. However, if you can combine fresh citrus fruits squeezed into water in a ratio of 1:1 if you suffer from acidity and a ratio of 2:1 for other people, then it will be beneficial. Plus, you can go for other kinds of fruits too.

9. Engage in Arguments

Hunger makes you a bit unsettled in your mind. As a result, research shows that when you are hungry you can lose control of your rationality and engage in arguments. So, don’t have discussions during this time. But if it is necessary, then have something warm and give it to your partner so that both of you can have a more clear-headed conversation

References: brightside.me, zeptha.com