If Your Man Adheres To The following, He Will Never Stop Loving You

1. He likes your imperfections
He knows that no one is perfect and he doesn’t expect you to be. He has seen you through the good times and the bad, yet he hasn’t given up on you. He believes in you and loves you for the person you are.
2. He doesn’t hide anything from you
He doesn’t need to hide anything from you because he has a clean and honest heart. He builds his relationship on trust, and expects the same from your side.
3. It’s just a phone call away
No matter what he’s doing or where he is, if you’re in trouble, he’ll drop everything and come to your rescue. Being by your side when you need him most is his way of telling you that you are really important to him and that he will be by your side no matter what.
4. He makes you his priority
Most of his plans include you and he makes it a point to make sure you NEVER feel left out. To him, your happiness is what matters most!
5. He takes responsibility for his mistakes
If by chance he made a mistake, he takes it with dignity. When they end up hurting you, he takes it to heart and will not repeat past mistakes.
6. He gives you valuable advice
He can give you advice, make rational decisions and make you feel comfortable so you can rely on him. He is your advisor who wants to bring out the best in you.
7. He showers you with love
He makes you feel loved every minute, every hour, every day. To him, you are his queen and your wishes are his commands.
8. He cares about your problems as if they were his own.
When something concerns you, it concerns him too. He will go through your problems with you, while giving you the space you need, so you don’t feel alone. He will hold you and make everything better.
9. He will always stay in touch with you
Even if he’s away on business or with friends, he’ll always call and text you when you least expect it. He does this because he cares about you. He misses you when you’re not around.
10. He knows you inside out
What you feel, what you think, he knows. It’s like he’s your soul mate! When it comes to dealing with him, you don’t have to pretend. He’s your best friend. You can talk to him about anything and everything, and he’ll happily listen.