How To Feel And Look Gorgeous In Your 40s And Beyond?

Aging is inevitable and there is nothing a person can change. Thinking about the symptoms of aging such as wrinkles and gray hair scares everyone. Staying young for life is a dream for many, but is it really possible? The health coach states that it is not age that dictates results, but your habits, mindset, and lifestyle.
There are eight ways to look and feel better in your 40s and beyond
1. Weightlifting
People do weightlifting three or four times a week. Which is much more than just looking good. Doing so will increase your strength and help you stay fit and independent as you age.
2. Walk
Walking is so underrated but it is highly important and beneficial. This is one of the best things you can do to improve longevity and well-being. The best part is that it requires no equipment, can be done almost anywhere, and has little impact.
3. Prioritize sleep
When you sacrifice your sleep, every aspect of your life suffers. So by doing the opposite, you can improve it. Get morning sun exposure to optimize your sleep. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
4. Reduce/eliminate alcohol
Alcohol has adverse effects on the brain, body and health. It impacts sleep, performance, mood, cognitive function, gut health, hormones, blood sugar and more.
5. Eat nutrient-dense whole foods
What you eat plays a huge role in your overall health. Consume protein-rich foods and make sure to balance them with carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients. Your goal should be 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories.
6. Stop obsessing about the scale
Give your body permission to change and evolve. Find other ways to measure progress that have nothing to do with how you look or how small you may be. Once you let go of this number, you will realize that there are many more important and meaningful things in your life.
7. Stop thinking that it is too late and that you are too old
This is one of the biggest things that is holding you back. You should always remember that there is no age limit to accomplish things. All you need is the will to do things differently. Do it even if you are afraid.
8. Practice gratitude
Instead of dwelling on the things you don’t have in your life, be grateful for the things you do. Acknowledge your blessings and be grateful for the way your body shows up for you every day, rather than being critical about how it looks.