Home relationship How To Be More Intimatᴇ With Your Partner Outside Of Sᴇductivᴇ Acts

How To Be More Intimatᴇ With Your Partner Outside Of Sᴇductivᴇ Acts

17 Things To Do To Be More Intimatᴇ With Your Partner Outside Of Sᴇductivᴇ Acts
1. Give sweet touches to your partner.

If you give your partner sweet touches, especially in bed then your partner feels romantic and comes closer to you.

These are the first easy intimate things you can try in your daily life and look at the changes.

2. Hold your partner’s hand.

If you go for a walk or outside of the home for any reason with your partner then it’s so cool to hold your partner’s hand and walk on the road.

Or sometimes you just put your hand on your partner’s shoulder and make them feel safe and secure is just an amazing thing to do. These are the great intimate things you can do.

3. Sometimes cook together.

Cooking your favorite dishes together is the best way to spend time with each other.

These are not hard work but simple and intimate things you do both for helping each other.

4. And feed your partner.

It is not necessary to feed your partner always but sometimes you just feed her or him because sharing means caring.

If you feed your partner it ultimately increases your love and affection. So these intimate things are not difficult for you. Try it.

5. Undress each other in bed.

Undressing each other means you both want to have intimate physically. And it gives a hint to your partner that what they want from you exactly wants the same.

So these exciting and intimate things make your physical intimacy charming and exciting.

6. Sit near your partner.

You should make an effort to be near your partner. Both inside and outside of your home always try to sit next to your partner.

7. Send romantic messages.

Commonly, the whole day you both stay away from each other because of your job or work. But you should connect with each other.

So sending romantic and sweet messages to your mate increases your connection. And remind them that you miss them so much.

8. Discuss your future together.

Talking to your partner about your goal or ambitions is easy for the couple who feels comfortable with their soulmate.

So starting to discuss the future of your relationship or family planning is a great and intimate thing.

9. Send your selfies.

When you both are apart from each other you just send your selfies with pictures of activities you do to make your partner smile and be happy.

From time to time you just send them and added some miss you and love you messages.


10. Watch movies together.

In the evening time or during holidays you both are together. So do some mutual work. If your partner watches a movie then you join them and enjoy the movie.

We are sure that you both never know how much time you are watching a movie.

11. Sometimes you are just half-nak3d.

We never said you to walk totally nak3d. Sometimes you need to walk around half-nak3d in your room and make your significant other wild.

These intimate things pull your partner towards you and get more intimate physically.

12. Sleep together at the same time.

Sleep together is essential but at the same time is more essential for a healthy relationship.

Doing some fun in bed before sleeping at night is a really wonderful and exciting way to connect with your partner.

13. Compliments to your partner.

We all want to hear compliments from their partner. So appreciate your partner by complementing their dress, body language, fitness, talking style, working effort, and personality.

When you do these things you get the outstanding result back i.e. they do many intimate things for you like gifts, flowers, take you shopping, etc.

14. Give sweet kisses.

Kisses express your care, love, and affection toward your partner. So, kiss your love when you both are together. These are intimate activities for couples at home.

Kiss your mate’s forehead and show them how much you care. Kiss her or his hands and show them you accept them. And give them a lip kiss, show them how much you love them.

15. Give a tight hug to your partner.

Your sweet and tight hug said everything to your partner.

It boosts your intimacy level and these activities are the best intimate things for a healthy relationship. And you know that a hug is essential for both of you to feel relaxed and loved.

16. Cuddle with your partner.

Cuddling with your favorite person is so relaxing and makes your partner feel like the most comfortable place in this world.

These intimate things definitely give your partner heavenly feelings and they more connected with you.

17. Shower together.

When both live a busy life and there is no time for spending some time together or going on a date then showering together is the best option.

And this is mandatory for all. So shower together and help each other in cleaning. These intimate things are special and workable.