FINDING a four-leaf clover is supposed to bring you good luck but is often easier said than done.
A new tricky brainteaser lets internet users to put their skills to test, but are you up to the challenge?
Can you spot the hidden four-leaf in this colourful field?

Credit: SWNS:South West News Service

Credit: SWNS:South West News Service
Nestled within a colourful cartoon field of flowers and grass is a hidden four-leaf clover.
Greg Tatton Brown from online casino, who created the puzzle, said: “Statistically a four-leaf clover appears in nature for every 10,000 of its three-leafed brethren, so your chances of spotting our single quad-clover are significantly increased here.
“Each leaf of the clover is actually assigned a specific symbolic meaning, with the first symbolising hope, the second – faith, the third – love, and the crucial forth – luck.”
If it proves to be too much of a head-scratcher don’t panic – we have the solution for you here.