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Why You Should Never Forcefully Pop A Pimple And What You Should Do Instead

Why You Should Never Forcefully Pop A Pimple And What You Should Do Instead

Opening a pimple is not as easy as it sounds. Besides, the worst thing a girl can wake up to is looking in the mirror and finding a pimple on her face. Most will try to pop the pimple but that is where you need to be careful, popping a pimple when it is not ready can lead to infection, inflammation of the skin and swelling as well.

So what happens when you pop a pimple or when should you pop one? What you really should know is what happens when you forcibly pop a pimple. On top of all this, it can also lead to a scar.

1. What a pimple looks like before one pops

The pimple you see one day in the mirror could well have developed for some time under the surface of the skin .

The spot you see on a sudden day is actually developing for some time under the surface of your skin. Dermatologist David E Banks says that many people don’t realize that it takes 8 weeks for a pore to become blocked until it forms into a pimple. This also means that you arrive 8 weeks too late to apply those pimple creams.

2. Learn to recognize the type of pimple before opening it

Identifying the type of pimple and whether it is ready to break out is important for the safety of your skin.

3. Blackhead

These look like dark flat clogs that also resemble plugs in your skin. They don’t hurt when you pop them and are also easily visible.

4. Whiteheads

These are small white bumps that are dome shaped and have no openings that are easily visible. Whiteheads also don’t hurt and can be easily spotted on the skin.

5. Papules

Papules are skin-colored or red bumps with no visible fluid or pus. They are smaller than 5 mm and can be painful or painless, depending on their size.

6. Pustules

Pustules are larger solid bumps that are always filled with pus that is easily visible. They are red when they first appear and slowly turn yellow and crusty. They are also tender to the touch and can be painful.
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7. Cysts

Larger than pustules and papules, cysts grow larger than 5 mm and are usually painless, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry. See a doctor whenever you feel or see any painless lumps on your body. Cysts can become painful once they turn yellow.

8. Why you shouldn’t skip a pimple

When you develop acne, your skin tightens around the pore of a pimple. This traps the acne inside, which grows but does not flow toward the surface of the skin. If you squeeze a pimple, the pore walls get bruised, which results in more inflammation due to the stimulation of bacteria inside the pimple. When pus and oil are squeezed out, the skin then begins to grow over the wound blocking the acne inside. This can then result in a nasty lump or cyst. This is why you should not pop pimples. Instead, you should use some of these remedies mentioned below.

9. Benzoyl Peroxide for Pimples

The most common and frequently used antiseptic for skin inflammation. The chemical slims and foams on bacteria, killing it in a double action. Hydrogen peroxide as one of its ingredients releases oxygen that slows down acne and kills it. The benzoic acid then prevents the bacteria from processing glucose for cell regeneration. Whatever bacteria survive then becomes dormant.

10. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent natural remedy for acne, but it takes a little time to act. The herbal extract is an oil that kills bacteria and reduces pimples making them less visible. However, you should first find out if you are allergic to such ingredients. Applying lime to a pimple can also effectively reduce a pimple and is perhaps the safest way to get rid of one. Benzoyl acid and tea tree oil are available as creams and gels, but they are not effective for removing black heads or white heads.

You should never force open a pimple and always consult your doctor before applying any medicated cream to the skin.
