Home Health If you see any children sit in “W” position, stop them immediately...

If you see any children sit in “W” position, stop them immediately before it’s too late. Here’s why

Children when growing up they do a lot of things that you don’t even understand since they like playing. Children like doing a lot of things like playing with sand, sucking their thumb and many more. As they do some things which might be ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs to them as parents we need to address them so that they can know what’s good and bad.

Some sitting position in children can be very harmful and ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs to them. The frog sitting position or “W” position is not good for your child and if you happen to see them sit like that stop them immediately. It might seem like it’s a normal pose, but the harsh truth is that “W sitting” is anything but normal. It can actually cause serious orthopedic issues because it places stress on the hips, knees, and ankles. Also, later in life it can lead to all sorts of posture problems..

What risks are associated with W Sitting?

When children W sit for longer periods of time, they are at risk for the following issues:

Hip dislocation

If a child has hip problems, sitting in the W position can put strain on the hips and joints and increase the likelihood of dislocation.

Limited trunk/core strength

The wide sitting stance of the W position makes it easier to keep the body upright. Children sitting in a W position don’t have to use their core muscles as much and won’t develop them as they would in other sitting positions.

Lack of cross body movements

The W position makes it difficult for children to rotate their upper bodies and reach across to either side with one or both arms.

No hand preference

In a W sitting position, a child has too much trunk control and stability. It’s very easy to use either hand to accomplish tasks. However, developing hand preference is important for writing ability later on.

Increased muscle tightness

If a child is prone to muscle tightness or Hypertonia, then sitting in a W position will increase tightness in hips, knees, and ankles.

There are so many good reasons to encourage your kids to stop this all-too-popular way of sitting down…

To learn more about the ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀs of “W sitting” and to find great ways to get your kids out of this habit, watch the video below!