9 Signs He Can’t Get Over You and Still Thinks About You

1. If you have constant thoughts about this person
This is especially telling if you are busy with some kind of business and whoop…suddenly thoughts about this person appear in your head, absolutely out of the blue. This is a strong sign that this person is thinking about you right now, and you feel it vibrationally
2. An unexpected surge of strength and good mood
Suddenly you notice that inside you suddenly happens – you feel warmer and your mood shows for no reason. This is also a strong sign that someone with whom you have a strong energetic connection is thinking about you right now.
3. Random appearance of white feather
If at the moment when you are thinking about a person, you suddenly see a white feather in the air or under your feet, it means that the universe is giving you a message from that person that he is also thinking about you, misses you and wants to contact you, they say the esoterics.
4. A sudden reminiscent scent
If you suddenly smell a perfume or other fragrance and it reminds you of someone in particular, it means that at that moment that person is thinking of you.
6. When you recognize yourself in someone
If in some crowded place or in public transport you suddenly think you have seen a person you know, this is a very sure sign that you are constantly on his mind. This is also a sign “from above” that your relationship is not over.
7. If, getting confused, you accidentally pronounce his name
This is a clear signal from the universe – the person whose name you said is thinking about you, and a lot!
8. Congratulations on the holidays
If someone constantly congratulates you on the holidays, this is not just a formality, but a sure sign that he is constantly thinking about you and really wants to communicate with you.
9. If you want to repeat some actions from your shared past
If you and this person have common memories, things you did together, and suddenly, even though you haven’t communicated with this person for a long time, you suddenly have a crazy urge to repeat those things, know – the person thinks about you and very often I remember the time spent with you.
10. Name match
You sit in a cafe or enter the store and suddenly you see that the name of the person with whom you broke up is written on the badge of the seller or waiter. This is also a signal from the universe that he has not regretted you and is still crazy about you.