The guessing game of someone’s feelings can be tricky, especially when it comes to figuring out if someone misses you. We often find ourselves asking, “Are they thinking about me as much as I am about them?”
However, psychology offers some insights that can help us decode these hidden emotions.
So, today, let’s delve into the psychological cues that can tell us if someone misses us a lot. Here are eight signs to look out for.
1) Increased communication
One clear sign that someone misses you is if they are reaching out to you more often. This could be through phone calls, text messages, social media interactions, or even old-fashioned letters.
This increase in communication is not only about quantity, but it’s also about quality. They might share more about their day, ask more about yours, send you things that reminded them of you, or simply check in to see how you’re doing.
However, keep in mind that everyone’s communication style is different. Certain people naturally talk more than others, so an increase in communication might mean a lot for one person but not for another.
But generally speaking, if someone is making more effort than usual to keep the conversation going with you, it’s a good indication that they miss you a lot.
2) They bring up old memories
One sign that someone misses you is when they frequently bring up old memories. It’s like they’re trying to relive those moments with you, even if you’re not physically present.
A while ago, an old friend of mine started sending me pictures from our high school days. She’d comment on the little things like our funny hairstyles or the silly faces we’d make. She’d remind me of the pranks we used to pull and the inside jokes we had.
At first, I thought she was just feeling nostalgic. But as it continued, I realized it was her way of saying she missed our friendship and the good old days we spent together.
3) Dreams about you
One sign that someone misses you is if they tell you they’ve been dreaming about you. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dreaming about you every night, but if you’re a recurring character in their dreams, it’s likely because they’re thinking about you often.
As per a study, our dreams are influenced by the people we interact with and think about during our waking hours. So, if someone is dreaming about you, it might be because they miss you and have you on their mind more than they might even realize.
4) They make an effort to stay close
This could be them trying to keep up with your life, showing concern for your well-being, or making plans for the next time you’ll meet.
This effort to stay connected and involved in your life is their way of saying, “I miss you and I want to keep you close.”
Remember, it’s not just about physical proximity. In this digital age, staying close can also mean staying connected online. If they’re liking your posts, commenting on your pictures, or engaging with you regularly on social media platforms, it’s a clear indication that they’re thinking about you and miss being a part of your life.
5) They seem more emotional around you
This could be them being more sensitive, more reactive, or even more affectionate than usual. It’s like your presence stirs up a whirlwind of emotions within them.
This surge of emotions isn’t just about sadness or longing. It could be happiness, excitement, or even nervousness. The simple fact that they’re feeling more around you is a signal that they miss you when you’re not there.
Being emotional is a raw and genuine expression of their feelings for you. And sometimes, it’s the most heartfelt way of saying, “I miss you, and I care about you more than you know.”
6) They keep mementos
One sign that someone misses you is if they’ve kept mementos that hold memories of you. These are physical symbols of the connection you share and moments you’ve spent together.
I still remember the day my grandmother gave me a small pendant before I left for college. Years later, when I visited her, I noticed she’d kept the box it came in, still sitting on her dresser. She didn’t say much about it, but it was clear to me then that she missed me.
Keeping mementos is a silent and beautiful way of cherishing someone’s presence in your life. If someone has kept things that remind them of you, it’s likely because they miss you and treasure the memories associated with those items.
7) Their body language speaks volumes
One sign that someone misses you is if their body language changes when they’re around you. They might lean in closer, make more eye contact, or touch their face more often. These are all subtle signs that they’re happy to see you and long for your presence when you’re not around.
In fact, research shows that non-verbal cues can communicate our emotions more accurately than verbal expressions. So, even if they’re not saying it out loud, their body language might be telling you loud and clear: “I miss you.”
Pay attention to these small but meaningful signals. They can reveal a lot about someone’s feelings towards you.
8) They say it
We often look for complex signs and subtle hints, but the truth is, people can be straightforward with their feelings. If they say they miss you, they probably do. It might not be easy for them to admit it, but by doing so, they’re letting you know that your absence is felt.
This openness is not only a sign of their sincerity but also of their vulnerability. It’s a clear indication that they care about you and your presence in their life means a lot to them.
So if someone tells you they miss you, take it to heart. It’s probably the most genuine sign of all.