Home Life 7 Signs You’re Trying Too Hard To Make Your Relationship Work

7 Signs You’re Trying Too Hard To Make Your Relationship Work

7 Signs You’re Trying Too Hard To Make A Relationship Work

Trying to force a relationship to work that isn’t working is exhausting and ultimately kind of pointless. There are a whole host of signs that this is happening, indicating that your relationship is more problematic than you knew. Here are some of them.

1. Too much effort

If you feel like you are always the one in your relationship who is trying to set things straight while your partner is only busy taking care of their personal issues, it is probably a sign to stop whatever you are doing. Even though it might be easy for you to picture your future together, if your partner does not take any of your plans seriously, they are not worth it.

2. Making all the plans

If one of you always makes the plans and the other gets away with it, the relationship will fail sooner or later. When in a healthy relationship, both partners should be willing to put in the same amount of effort and switch roles when it comes to making plans. You should also never drop everything just because your partner does not like it.

4. You are secretly waiting for your partner to change

You want your partner to change and you think that if you’re just patient and loving enough, maybe they will. Newsflash: this is trying too hard to make your relationship work. You shouldn’t be dealing with that quirk of your partner’s if it makes you absolutely miserable. People don’t change unless they want to.

5. You’ve stopped talking about the future at all

There’s been no talk of the future for a while. You just sort of miserably live in the now and assume that you’re stuck together or that the relationship will blow up soon enough.

6. Sadness, depression, regret

If you feel these emotions and you know they happen because of your relationship, you can guess, right? It is time to move on. A healthy relationship means being with a partner who will never be the reason for your sadness, in fact, your partner should be the one who will try to cheer you up.

7. You Put Your Needs Second

While it’s always nice to show your partner you care by prioritising their needs, you must remember that you have needs of your own, too. You should feel free to make plans with friends, take up a hobby, and spend quality time with yourself. This way, you maintain a sense of individuality in a relationship, and that in turn, contributes to a deeper and healthier connection with your partner.

However, if a relationship isn’t going the way you were hoping, you are most likely spending your time and energy towards fixing and forcing a connection. You will lose your sense of self if you’re worried about making your partner happy, or saving the relationship.