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6 Signs You May Need To Let Go Of The Man You Love

Even a relationship that starts off great can suddenly take a turn in another direction unexpectedly. And irrespective of what you are taught and told, fairytale endings don’t exist in relationships. Don’t get me wrong. You can have a great relationship with someone and which can feel mystic, warm, and euphoric. But, love is much more complicated than that. It is why when you are trying to figure out if you should stay or leave a relationship, it is a decision that can easily torment you.

Here are some clear signs to help you know when to walk away from your significant other versus staying put.

1. Your fights are endless
Arguments in a relationship are one thing. Daily confrontations are another. They ruin the very essence of a healthy, lovely relation. Continuing with the old arguments again and again shows your compatibility level and emotional maturity is declining. You cannot handle issues with maturity and there’s evident lack of trust. Without a healthy conflict resolution, the friction seems endless. This is a clear sign your relationship is going downhill.

2. Your future together looks bleak
Whenever you picture your relationship together, everything seems faded. Because the love itself has faded between you both. You can no longer agree to where you are both heading as a couple. When the future seems bleak, the present holds no value too. So end your relationship immediately if your partner is unwilling to spend his future with you.

3. Personal issues are becoming big hurdles between you
It’s true that everyone deserves and should be given their own space. But when personal troubles begin to interfere in your love life, the hassles increase. The timing is bad and you cannot adjust properly. You continuously fight over elements from your personal world. The balance is disharmonized. This is when you should break up and move away. Because it is always better to take the correct step at the correct time.

4. You are the single person to put all efforts and everything goes in vain
Nothing, nothing can please your partner any longer. He is distancing himself from you. He no longer pays you any attention and is always caught up in his own private world. This is ruinous. The communication becomes weak and things begin to fall apart. The Togetherness is no more. This is another clear sign that the man is slowly changing and isn’t interested to be with you any longer. This is the time you should call it quits.

5. The trust is no longer strong
Once there is a breach of trust, you can no longer trust your man anymore. This is one of the key elements for any relationship to go strong. When this lacks, the bond weakens and things fall apart. As trust ends, the compatibility ends, there aren’t any sacrifices or adjustment, you always tend to keep an eye on him, misjudged him flirting with other girls etc. This highly disrupts a healthy relation. So ask yourself if you can trust him any longer and take decisions accordingly.

6. This relationship has worsened your own personal life
If your current relationship is affecting your life hugely, you should call it quits. Nothing is above your own life. You need to keep sound, both mentally and physically. The man who loves you will never let your personality be affected or hurt you. Your surroundings, the people you spend your time with or the person you fall in love with influences your attitude, behavior and actions. Hence, if any relationship seems toxic to you, move away from that man forever, for your own good.

References: thoughtcatalog.com, dailypositiveinfo.com