5 Sure Signs That You Are Living In A Loveless Marriage And Your Relationship Is Doomed
Here are five signs that it’s pointless to continue your marriage, because then the love will probably díє.
1. There is a constant distance between you
Taking care of children, working, doing housework, you have absolutely no free time. The result is a broken relationship with the most important person in your life – your spouse. The feeling of not loving each other is reinforced when you don’t touch each other, don’t talk, each mind your own business, and don’t even ask how your day was when you get home in the evening.
2. You prioritize other aspects of your daily life
Money, work, stress, family responsibilities are an integral part of our lives, but they can easily kill love if you don’t nurture it. At some point, you started pursuing other goals, such as a promotion at work for example. You direct all your energy in this direction and your relationship becomes more and more empty.

3. Lack of communication
Your daily life has involved you so much that you don’t want to share anything at all. You prefer to keep quiet and not talk about how your day went. So, there comes a time when your communication comes down to a basic level.
4. No passion
You may even continue to “love each other,” but emotionally your marriage has lost the meaning that only love can give.
5. You don’t care about it, or you feel like your partner doesn’t.
Indifference in a relationship is probably the worst thing. When you have absolutely no feelings, indifference arises. This is a sure sign that you are living in a loveless marriage.