5 Signs He’s Pretending Not To Like You When He Really Does

Many of us have difficulty expressing our emotions openly. Women never take the risk of directly asking men about their crushes. For their part, the stronger sex is also indecisive and not always ready to openly declare their desires.
But let’s pay attention to non-verbal manifestations. They would be very difficult to simulate. There’s some definite signs that prove that a man has tender feelings for a particular woman.
In some situations, when experiencing overwhelming passion, the stronger sex literally loses control.
1. Confusion and confusion
If a man likes a woman, then one can notice the huge embarrassment on his face. Noticing the woman he is interested in, he can ignore everything else around him, trip, crash into a pole, fall into a hole, get hit by a car. The point is that the attention is so strongly fixed on his love that it immediately affects the behavior.
2. The appearance
Shame and lack of confidence are evident in a man in love. His gaze becomes penetrating and directed directly into the eyes of his partner. He can stare directly at her for several minutes and not take his eyes off her for a second.
Depending on the temperament, when the woman looks from the opposite direction, he may immediately lower his eyes or continue looking. The second case speaks of his willingness to confess his feelings to her. This is the so-called more aggressive manifestation of falling in love.

3. A smile
The release of endorphins upon contact with the object of love leads to the manifestation of uncontrollable emotions. And joy is always expressed in the form of a smile. When meeting the woman he likes, the man involuntarily smiles and cannot hide it. This does not happen with those who are indifferent to us.
4. Actions
A man deeply in love with a woman gives himself away in the broadest sense of the word. Confidence, support, care, attention – everything. The feeling he gives her is that the two of them are mutually connected, and very strongly so. This is the clearest signal that a man is in love.
5. Touch attempt
If a man likes a woman, he shows it including his passionate desire to touch her. It’s not always some kind of intimate touch – most often it’s on the hair and hands.
The man in love tries to fix your hat, touches your back, justifying the fact that you have a speck of dust there or something.