5 Characteristics Of Women That Attract Men Like A Magnet

We know that gentlemen are attracted to a sexy bust, a small butt, long legs, long hair. Or at least that’s the default. However, there are strange things that make men crazy about femininity.
1. When we’re scared
Fear is something that is extremely attractive to the powerful half of humanity. Because a little bit of fear makes them feel needed and protected. It gives them a chance to turn themselves into heroes.
2. When we were a mess
We think men always want to see us in brilliant shape. The truth is that they don’t mind seeing us even when we’re not around. When we’re messy, in homemade clothes and in an unusually high mood. This gives them one last chance to break through the perfect mask we’ve been comfortable hiding behind.
3. When we wear camouflage
Most likely, this has something to do with the man’s hunting nature. It’s a predator’s desire to capture defenseless victims . Apparently, changing roles over time has a rather stimulating effect on gentlemen. But it is not the pattern of clothing that determines a man’s attractiveness, but the mutual interest in something, which is also shared by his gentle half.
4. When we put on makeup
It turns out that our partners find our beautifying process with wax particularly enjoyable. They marvel at the precision with which we apply makeup and lipstick on our faces. In addition, they especially like that each of us has a unique beauty style.
5. Pregnancy scars
If you’ve given birth to someone you love, it’s probably no surprise that he likes your stretch marks. This acquired skin defect may seem unfair to you, but gentlemen have a special affection for them. After all, they symbolize the birth of your child. They represent the shelter you have given the life you two have created.