14 Tips From A Divorce To All Married Women That Can Save Your Marriage

Advice from a divorced woman to all married women
Divorce is a very sad part of our family history. We bring you the advice of a divorced woman who experienced firsthand this horror, divorce… Let’s see the insights she came to after breaking up with the man she was supposed to be with for the rest of her life. For better and for worse.
Perhaps her advice to all married women will help many of us save our marriages. When it’s not too late. When there is hope…
14 tips from a divorced woman to all married women
1. Look for the best in your man
Rather than focusing on his flaws, misdeeds, mistakes, etc. Don’t think only about what you don’t like, what annoys you…
2. Mαkє love to your husband
Regularly, if necessary – permanently. Because making love is like a balm for the relationship between a man and a woman. Smoothes all sharp corners and heals wounds.
3. Don’t be afraid to take advice from women who are happily married
Ask for advice from women who have been married for a long time and have a great relationship with their husband. Don’t be afraid to take good advice. All women are different, but men in general are pretty much the same, especially in terms of how they should be approached.
4. Do not violate its boundaries
Let the man periodically “immerse” in himself. Don’t constantly find fault, don’t blame him for ignoring you. This is not the case, it’s just that periodic “blackouts” are very important to him.
5. Don’t try to change the man
You have to accept him as he is, love him with all his flaws. He must want to correct them himself or change, and it depends only on him.
6. Give compliments regularly
Yes, compliments are not just for women. It is important for a man to know that his partner thinks he is brave, smart, strong, handsome, that he wants him, etc.
7. Do not rush to conclude that the man has chosen you as something of a given
Lower your bar a bit. He chose you because you are beautiful, smart, feminine – yes, that is you and you are exactly like that! Just turn off your arrogance.
8. Laugh at your husband’s jokes, even if you don’t find them funny
It is very important for a man to understand that he is capable of making his woman laugh. So play the game, but of course without bigotry.
9. Follow your emotions
Keep yourself under control, monitor your reactions to a certain event.
When the man comes home, turn off the “bitch” in you. He should be happy to see you, to be able to relax, and not to listen and solve another batch of problems that you rush to present him from the door.
10. Love a man the way he wants
And not in the way you think he needs. In fact, everything is much easier than it seems.
11. Be feminine
The more feminine a woman looks, the more she reminds her husband that she is a man. Maintain not only your appearance, but also your inner beauty.
12. Give your husband more attention and time
Free up “windows” in your busy schedule, don’t devote yourself entirely to work or children. Don’t forget about your man. Because otherwise he will forget about you too.
13. Never compare your husband with other men
In this way you humiliate him. And you don’t want to have a man next to you who feels humiliated and insignificant. You want a strong man who will support you no matter what happens…
14. Trust your man
Don’t torture him with your jealousy, pickiness, non stop stalking, phone checking and all. One, that he is beneath your dignity and two, think how you would feel in his place. Would you have warm feelings for someone who constantly accuses you of uncommitted sins?