Home Moral Stories 12 Stories That Will Disturb Even the Sanest Minds

12 Stories That Will Disturb Even the Sanest Minds

Events that defy understanding are the most terrifying. When these occurrences occur, they create a lasting effect on our minds. This book contains actual testimonials from people who have shared their disturbing experiences online, with each story tinged with a profound and enduring sense of discomfort.

For illustration purposes only

Story 1

My father went missing when my son was five months old. When he first started talking, he consistently mentioned that a man stood by his bed at night. We dismissed it as childish imagination.

A few years later, I hung the final photo I had of my father. My youngster pointed to it, claiming that it was the man in his room. It gave us goosebumps, especially because my father never returned after going missing.

He had suffered from serious depression for decades and had gone missing in the past, but he always returned, unlike the last time. It’s been nearly 20 years, and we’re certain he’s ᴅᴇᴀᴅ. My son is now a young man and has no recollection of the incident.

Story 2

At 2:30 a.m., I had just turned into my neighborhood to get home. A man in a white suit and a comically huge white cowboy hat had one hand wrapped around a placard and the other pointing at me as I drove by, making eye contact the entire time. © Unknown author / Reddit

Story 3

My father once summoned me to our computer as I was returning from a movie. He asked, “When did you go to Costa Rica with your school? They just posted a group picture with you in it.” I hadn’t taken the trip with the community college I was attending, so I had no idea what he was talking about.

But, no kidding, the guy he was referring to looked exactly like me, down to the white Polo I was wearing a lot of the time. It was the most strange sensation I have ever had. © Capt_GingerBeard93 / Reddit

Story 4

I was alone in the house and decided to adjust the temperature of my water heater. I sat down in front of the water heater and removed the gray plate that covered the thermostat. This metal plate is roughly half the size of a sheet of copy paper.

I placed the plate next to me and adjusted the thermostat. When I went to put the metal plate back on, it was missing. I never saw the metal plate again. There is practically no place it could have gone, yet it did. © GameVoid / Reddit

For illustration purposes only

Story 5

I once acquired a street kitten. He was bothering me while I was painting, so I moved him into my room. As soon as I closed the door, I heard a bang from the opposite side of the house. I went to investigate and located my kitten, which was about 30 feet away. It absolutely shook me out, and I have no logical explanation. © subud123 / Reddit

Story 6

I was about 16, in the car with my mother, and we were just talking while she drove. After that, we stopped chatting, and I sort of tuned off. All of a sudden, an image flashed across my mind, similar to a memory of myself or someone else as a youngster getting on the bus.

It was so vivid that I assumed my mother had said something. I inquired with her, “Hey, did you say something about a bus stop?” she responded: “No, but I was just thinking that this area here is where I used to get on the bus to go to school when I was a kid.”

SUPER weird. © CluelessCanary / Reddit

Story 7

When I was younger, I awoke in the middle of the night to find someone standing between my brother’s (who was sleeping) and my room, playing a guitar and repeating “shhh, shhh” every few seconds. It wasn’t my parents because they don’t know how to play the guitar or any other instrument. © timelordoftheimpala / Reddit

Story 8

We were in a 150-year-old family home on Cape Cod that my sister-in-law had renovated. She was describing how, as a child, she couldn’t sleep because she heard music there. Just then, a light bulb from a chandelier dropped onto the kitchen table in front of her. © sosorrynoname / Reddit

For illustration purposes only

Story 9

This lasted a year, until I was nine years old. When my house phone rang, I could always identify if it was one of my special pals calling or not, even though I had no idea she was going to call that day.

My home phone was one of the earlier ones that didn’t show who was calling. So when the phone rang and I had the feeling it was her, I’d always tell the rest of my family it was her for sure. I never guessed or got it wrong. © Waitwhyyyyyyy / Reddit

Story 10

Several months ago, I was asleep in bed when my brother walked in and turned on the lights. He was dressed in his school clothes. I told him to leave my room, but he only laughed and hid behind the bedpost.

I stood up to demand him leave, but when I came to the bedpost, he wasn’t present. When I informed my brother about it, he laughed and claimed he could teleport. © dynawesome / Reddit

Story 11

I reside in an apartment complex, and one day, my neighbor and I brought the kids to the pool for a swim. For whatever reason, I got a random idea about how dreadful it would be if I returned home to find my apartment flooded due to a leak or something.

We left the pool and walked back to our respective apartments. A few minutes later, I noticed her outside contacting emergency maintenance because a pipe had leaked in her apartment, soaking her bedroom and bathroom. © dekuthered / Reddit

Story 12

This occurred in the 1990s, when my daughter was sixteen. She took a road vacation with her father’s new family. On the fifth day, I received a postcard from her stating that they would be staying an additional two days. When she returned, she apologized for not notifying me.

I said, “But you did! I got your postcard!” She lost all color in her face and stated, “We didn’t send anything. We decided not to because it would’ve taken more than 2 days to reach you anyway.” I was completely confused.

I went to get the postcard from my closet, but couldn’t find it. I was certain I had put it in the pink box where I store all of my postcards, but it wasn’t there. Even after all these years, I still get chills when I think about it. I am convinced I saw the postcard and her handwriting—I recall the card’s details with great clarity.

Disgust can also cause a strong feeling of eeriness and discomfort. This article contains some absolutely cringe-worthy anecdotes that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading them.