10 Signs of Disrespect in a Relationship You Better Not Ignore Because It Reveals a Lack of Love & Respect

1. Being judged
Your partner is always partner constantly judge and belittle you
They criticize you often with the intent to hurt you, not help you.
2. You’re not a priority
If your partner spends more time with their friends or at work, it shows that they’re not fully invested in the relationship. If they did respect you, the lack of time they spend with you would bother them.
3. Never pays attention to you
If your partner is always on their phone or they often talk over you or interrupt you when you talk to them, it shows your company means nothing to them.If your partner is showing zero interest when you talk to them, it’s a sign of disrespect.
4. They don’t keep their word
If Your partner routinely makes promises and never follows through. This shows you that they don’t respect you, and the relationship isn’t a priority for them.
5. Untrustworthy
Your partner is trusted OR maybe they don’t really trust you even though you’ve given them no clear reason not to trust you.
6. They try to hurt your feelings
If your partner is trying to hurt you purposely, not only is this very disrespectful but also highly abusive. You should never want to hurt the person you care for.
7. Refuses to apologize
They refuse to apologize for things they did that hurt you OR do they say ‘sorry but..’. They clearly have no respect for you or your feelings if apologies don’t come easily or are followed by a ‘but’. If they keep doing the same wrong thing over and over again they don’t really care that they are hurting you.
8. Embarrasses you in public
They pick on you/put you down/or make fun of you in front of friends or family. No one has the right to make a mockery of you in public. It’s Disrespect.
9. Flirts with others in front you
They totally disregard you and start flirting with other men/women at a party or club or wherever. This is a clear sign of disrespect in a relationship. Not to mention it’s rude!!
10. The relationship just doesn’t feel good
When you’re in a disrespectful relationship, you never feel truly happy. There are happy moments, but there’s a lot of yelling, screaming, and crying more often than not. Those small, happy moments don’t outweigh the pain that’s filling the relationship